Sunday, 6 November 2011

God Gives and Takes Away

Today I received one of the most depressing news in my life. A friend, Ricardo Formigal, passed away :'( :(
Words can't describe how much I will miss you Ricardo. You were more than just a friend to me and you were extremely special to me. What an exceptional person you were. Always there for everyone whenever everyone needed you. You were always positive and somehow made life seem so much more joyful than it is. The little things gave you the most joy in life.
Words can't begin to describe how much i'll miss you. I already did miss all the afternoons we used to spend together, looking at the city from your balcony. All the talks we had and how you made me smile :) You always knew how to make me feel special. You always knew how to sweep me off my feet... When I was around you, everything just seemed to be somehow... Perfect... And for some foolish reason I think I took that for granted. I was a foolish teenager and human being, in hopes of receiving more than what I had. Not taking in what you taught me, that sometimes in life we should treasure what we have and enjoy the moment, because the simple things are usually the best. And I can say that with a full heart, You were one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I have your family in my prayers and I pray that you are in a better place now, smiling at the world like you always did to the people around you. Even though I'm sad now for your loss, I will always be happy about having you in my life and i'll be forever thankful for the special moments I had with you. And most importantly Ricardo, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU...

May your soul rest in peace... :'( You left a mark in everyone's lives that you were a part of.

Adoro-te para sempre meu principe encantado <3


  1. It is with great pleasure that I receive these words that realy touched me I am happy that Ricardo did not only mean so much to me but to you as well, I also beleave that he is looking after us, he was born to give love to everyone he new, he would give his heart to everyone...that was Ricardo I believe that God called him for a special mission...Paulo Formigal

  2. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. Gone but always here. Although its been long I know u still miss him, my condolences. We live and we learn.
